Human Flaws Interlinked With Shame


Our Human Flaws Interlinked with Shame


Human beings are flawed in so many ways.

Some know they are flawed. Some can see their flaws and acknowledge them. They provide themselves with room for improvement to become good.

But some think they have no flaws. They really don’t know their flaws. And they can’t see them. So they don’t want to make room for their own improvement to become better human beings. So they choose not to see their flaws. They rationalize their `flaws’ in relative terms and to make themselves feel better about their flaws, they eagerly indulge in the psychological practice of `downward comparison’.


More importantly, you need to see your flaws as they are. But see them in the big picture of your life. Don’t, please don’t, see your flaws through other people’s eyes.

Even worse still, don’t ever let your flaws be grossly distorted by your own imagination of other people’s gossips and slanders. Whatever other people are gossiping you amounts only to a black dot on the whole page of your life. It amounts to only a mere fraction of your whole life. Don’t imagine and exaggerate the size of the few black dots.

Don’t let your wild imagination transform the slanders and your mistakes in terms of absolute black and white. Don’t distort and blacken the whole page of your life with no white space in between. See your mistakes and blunders as they are- merely a few black dots. No more. No less. It does not matter what other people gossip about. The few black dots will not change and become malignant unless you allow them to be.

So look at your `enemies’ as gadflies and mosquitoes. They buzz a lot. Unless you react adversely, they are empty sounds of fury, signifying nothing.

Don’t do anything foolish by reacting negatively.

Don’t shoot your feet or bang your heads on the wall just because some mosquitoes are buzzing around. Just let go of your negative perception of other people’s looks and stares.

Always remember, you can be your own worst enemy by looking at life with negative perceptions.







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